Pseudogout causes & Symptoms | Dr. Praharsha Mulpur
Pseudogout or calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD) is a condition in which you have sudden and painful swelling in one or more joints. It can last for around a few days to weeks. The condition is commonly known as pseudogout because it looks similar to gout. The other common feature of both these conditions is the deposition of crystals within a joint though the type of crystals differs for each condition.
What are the symptoms of pseudogout?
The signs and symptoms associated with pseudogout include warm, swollen, and severely painful joints. The episodes may last for a few days to weeks. Pseudogout mostly affects the knees. It may also affect other joints, but ankles and wrists are affected less often.
What are the causes of pseudogout?
Pseudogout causes: The most prominent reason for this condition is due to deposition of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals in the affected joint of the body (most commonly in the knee joint). The condition is mostly associated with advancing age as older adults and people above age 65 to 70 years develop pseudogout. However, a majority of elderly people who have crystals in their joints never develop this condition. In addition, some people may have symptoms and others don’t have any symptoms at all.
What are the risk factors for pseudogout?
Age is a major risk factor. And also, the condition runs in families (genetic predisposition). This means people have a strong hereditary tendency to develop this condition. In addition, any serious accidental injuries, joint trauma, or post-surgical injury may also increase the risk of developing pseudogout.
Pseudogout causes: Certain medical conditions – such as underactive thyroid or an overactive parathyroid gland and mineral imbalances (excess iron or calcium in the blood or magnesium deficiency) can also increase the risk.
Bottom Line
The deposition of calcium crystals in the joints can damage the joints and cause stiffness, restricted mobility, and severe pain. The symptoms associated with pseudogout mimic the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
You should meet Dr. Praharsha Mulpur if you have sudden and severe pain, warmth, and swelling in your joints – especially in your knee joints. The symptoms may also be due to other joint conditions. Therefore, to rule out other joint conditions, a comprehensive physical and clinical examination and evaluation of the condition based on the symptoms is important.